Tuesday 14 May 2013


The hues of wisdom emanate with such force as the day readies for night.Anticipation is in the air and the colours give a mantle of tenderness to all that await the caresses.Such beauty, softness,stillness help the breath to transform  beingness to wisdom.
Clarity and depth of knowing allow the trees to transmit to their roots a joy that all is well for the night to come.
Mysteries of their realm rise upwards to allow a divine comfort that all creatures seek. Such a sense of atonement allows the gratitude of wisdom to cloak all beings in silky breaths of divinity.This wisdom gifted by the all pervading dusk allows the I AM of all to sigh a song of gratitude.
WISDOM is always perfect and the treasure of the fleeting moments soars the Soul to know that.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Farewell APRIL 2013

Sure feels so good to have APRIL behind me.Many I know felt that this month was a very heavily loaded one that weighed you told and stopped you you from moving any direction.Towards the end of APRIL the feeling of being bogged down and wading in thick mud was almost impossible to hold.I wanted out and was so ready to welcome the month of MAY.
On the last day to try and "survive" the 30th because that is what it felt like I decided to rename APRIL from now on.
So now I will refer to it as LIRPA and see if that can shift things for the next time round.To help me lighten the load I made a song about LIRPA and sang it to the tune of Edit Piafs' " Je ne regrette rien " (most humble apologies to her.
Lir Lir Lirpa Lir Lir Lir Lir LIRPA ........................
By the end of the day I was definately on the bright side of  APRIL
and was swinging the dances ready to welcome MAY.
Guess it is worth transferring this concept to other things by reversing the name and getting totally silly with a catchy tune that dances you with joy and light.

Friday 26 April 2013

Where is MARCH taking you?

As I took my early morning walk which is experienced as a close nature meditation I felt  a sense of extreme duality out there.This tug of war so to speak with marching onwards to higher lighter places vs.marching outwards with selfishness and couldn't care less to an inward march that brings the question of balance as Earth recedes in this drought to a time of Southern Hemisphere autumn.
Does she sense the spring buds flowering in our Northern Hemisphere and what do they communicate with each other?As the falling leaves kiss the dry ground does their tender landing inspire the shooting green leaves of the North?
Green and Brown symbols of a March time and as we journey inward where do we find that within us?The dry dry and the energy filling countering one another in the rhythms of the seasonal cycles.The codes of this mystery so imbued into all that has its place here.
I thank MARCH for reminding me of this and take that inner/outer journey with to my work and being in this day.

Knowing the question.

Today it dawned on me that really knowing the question is part of one's transformation.Rilke once said that if you don't know the answer keep loving the question.What does that really mean?
The meaning is as wide and deep as you may want to go or you may want to keep banging your head by staring at it blindly.
Take the famous words that we all utter I DON'T KNOW.Do you reflect on that when you say it?Today while walking I decided that what would it feel like if I changed the order of that question.
It then becomes KNOW DON'T I.
Somehow that really hit me and struck a chord with my inner being.Of course we know when the question is put like that !!!
So I am going to work with that and every time I am faced with KNOW DON'T I, I will see what comes in.What I am then allowing to take the space of possible doubt, uncertainty or just flippancy as I utter such an unconscious and learned response.
So why not join me in giving this exercise a go and see what you welcome into your space.
Will keep you posted. Watch this space........

Monday 1 April 2013

Feeling sheepish anyone?

This Easter living on a farm has taught a lot about sheep or a certain black faced ram to be precise.
He has been unwell for some days and I saw him looking very grey and unwell.He was beckoning for help and I felt at a loss as to how I could do this.
Sent the farmer a sms saying that one of his rams was unwell.
If you are a ram on a farm and there for money and lamb production there is no room for feelings.
His attitude was that if he wasn't better in a week his life would be over.No help there nor sympathy for a suffering ram.
So I connect with him and he responds.I am by no means a sheep whisperer but I am sure he knows that I care.I have been sending him magnified healing and releasing his pain to the violet flame.He is not able to walk to the water trough so I have picked the fallen pears in the garden and taken them to the fence. I call with a clicking sound and he looks up at me from under the grapefruit tree.
Before rolling them down to them I have given thanks for them and held them with Magnified Healing in my thoughts.
Without hitting him they have rolled near enough for him to eat one.Crunch munch yum.The juice helps his throat and rattling chest.
He appears to be improving and is walking about and moving more.That grey look has lifted and I feel gratitude that he will get through this.
There is a definite connection when we look at one another in mutual loving admiration,A reminder how interconnected we are and that the universal language of love allows healing to take place.
Thank EWE my new black faced friend.From now I will see you with new eyes and ask that you continue to strengthen and improve.

Monday 25 February 2013

Practising Gratitude for our Mother.

Do you practise Gratitude for our Mother Earth?
While walking this morning I realised what a huge gift it was to be able to walk on our precious Papatuanuku - Gaia - Mother Earth.Every step taken was on her and I sensed she was immensely tired.
A mother is allowed to be tired and she truly is weary.I thanked her with tenderness for allowing me to walk on her and gifting me the sense of movement.I cannot do anything without touching her somehow and by acknowledging my gratitude I felt her smile and sigh Thank You back.
We are so incredibly connected to her yet how often do we pause to just say Thank You for allowing us to live on her?
She is blowing quite some fuses now and is reminding us that she needs a rest.Caring for her with our love and respect means so much to her as she constantly and  unconditionally allows us to be here.
You may not want to hug her like you do your own mother but just SMILE and Blow her a Gentle Kiss.And while you are about it , if there are any trees around blow them some too.They are the messengers from above and below keeping her close company.
Next time you get out of your car as you place your foot on the ground try saying thanks as you step on her.She is having a hard time right now and each token of gratitude will give her new energy as she goes about restoring things.
And next time when sitting on her  caress her gently as you whisper thank you in her ear.We all thrive on LOVE and by giving ours back to her we help her immensely as she tries to keep going with all the TASKS imposed on her.
Many small gestures make a BIG difference to her so join me in practising Gratitude and together we can help.
Thank you.
Heike Eckhoff.