Monday 1 April 2013

Feeling sheepish anyone?

This Easter living on a farm has taught a lot about sheep or a certain black faced ram to be precise.
He has been unwell for some days and I saw him looking very grey and unwell.He was beckoning for help and I felt at a loss as to how I could do this.
Sent the farmer a sms saying that one of his rams was unwell.
If you are a ram on a farm and there for money and lamb production there is no room for feelings.
His attitude was that if he wasn't better in a week his life would be over.No help there nor sympathy for a suffering ram.
So I connect with him and he responds.I am by no means a sheep whisperer but I am sure he knows that I care.I have been sending him magnified healing and releasing his pain to the violet flame.He is not able to walk to the water trough so I have picked the fallen pears in the garden and taken them to the fence. I call with a clicking sound and he looks up at me from under the grapefruit tree.
Before rolling them down to them I have given thanks for them and held them with Magnified Healing in my thoughts.
Without hitting him they have rolled near enough for him to eat one.Crunch munch yum.The juice helps his throat and rattling chest.
He appears to be improving and is walking about and moving more.That grey look has lifted and I feel gratitude that he will get through this.
There is a definite connection when we look at one another in mutual loving admiration,A reminder how interconnected we are and that the universal language of love allows healing to take place.
Thank EWE my new black faced friend.From now I will see you with new eyes and ask that you continue to strengthen and improve.

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