Friday 26 April 2013

Knowing the question.

Today it dawned on me that really knowing the question is part of one's transformation.Rilke once said that if you don't know the answer keep loving the question.What does that really mean?
The meaning is as wide and deep as you may want to go or you may want to keep banging your head by staring at it blindly.
Take the famous words that we all utter I DON'T KNOW.Do you reflect on that when you say it?Today while walking I decided that what would it feel like if I changed the order of that question.
It then becomes KNOW DON'T I.
Somehow that really hit me and struck a chord with my inner being.Of course we know when the question is put like that !!!
So I am going to work with that and every time I am faced with KNOW DON'T I, I will see what comes in.What I am then allowing to take the space of possible doubt, uncertainty or just flippancy as I utter such an unconscious and learned response.
So why not join me in giving this exercise a go and see what you welcome into your space.
Will keep you posted. Watch this space........

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